Sunday, April 8, 2012

C# Dynamic Keyword Vs System.Object vs Var Keyword

C# is the statically typed language. What does this mean? C #checks type of the object at compile type. A dynamic language identifies type of the object at run time; they do not perform the compile time type checks.
C# 4.0 introduces the dynamic language feature in C# (which is static language) using new
Dynamic keyword. Dynamic is the static type in C# and hence keep the c# as a statically typed language. This keyword tell compiler that do not perform type check and do not identify the type of the object.
dynamic test = 100; //here the test will be int32
console.write(test.GetType()) // output will be "System.Int32"

dynamic test = "This is string"; //here the test will be string
console.write(test.GetType()) // output will be "System.String" 

(For more information on C# Dynamic keyword please check references below.)

So does it look similar to what System.Object and var keyword perform? So let us look at the difference between them


System.Object is the root in the C# class hierarchy; this is used when the there is no or little information on the identity of the object at a compile time.

Object myObject = 100;
console.write(myObject .GetType()) // This will print System.Int32

Above statement will print System.Int32

We need to cast the variable myObject to specific type before using it
As shown below

int sum = (int)myObject + 10; //myObject is first converted to int before adding 10 to it.

We can assign different values to the myObject at a run time without any problem as shown below

myObject = "Test"; //myObject now stores string value

var keyword

A var is an implicitly typed variable .When the variable is declared as var then its type is inferred from the initialization string at compile time. Once initialized; type of the variable cannot be changed at a run time.
var variables cannot be used as function argument and cannot be returned from the function; Whereas object and dynamic variables can be used as a function argument and can be returned from the function.

var testvar = 100;

console.write(testvar .GetType()) // This will print System.Int32

Above statement will print System.Int32

No explicit cast is required before using the testvar variable.

int sum =  testvar + 10; //No cast is required.

Once initialized type of the variable cannot be changed at a run time

testvar = "test string"; //This will give compile time error

Above statement will give compile time error and hence the type of the variable is checked at a compile time

In case of dynamic variables type is identify only at run time

dynamic test = 100; //here the test will be int32

console.write(test.GetType()) // out put will be "System.Int32"

No cast is required like in case of System.Objcet while using it

int sum = test + 10; //No cast required here

We can assign change the type of values assigned at a run time like

test = "testing string"; //It works fine with dynamic

When to use the dynamic

So now we know the difference between object, var and dynamic; now let us see when to use dynamic.
We can use the object in all the cases where we can use the dynamics but in that case we need explicit casts and there is overhead of boxing and un-boxing. In case of dynamic type of the object is resolved at run time and no casting is required. This fits best choice to use in case of reflection and working with COM interop of MS office.

References and further study

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